URL = http://chem.sci.utsunomiya-u.ac.jp/cejrnlE.html
Chemical Education Journal (CEJ), Vol. 00 /Registration No. 00-0 /Received month 00, 201x.

Title should be in H2 Format and Centered. The First Character of only Nouns and Adjectives are Capitalized.

KAMATA Masahiro1*, HASEGAWA Tadashi2

(Author's name in H4 Format, centered, with FAMILY NAME all in capital, adding * to the corresponding author)

1Department of Science Education, Tokyo Gakugei University, Tokyo 184-8501, Japan
2Department of Chemistry, Tokyo Gakugei University, Tokyo, 184-8501, Japan

(Author's address & affiliation: in paragraph phormat, centered, followed by e-mail address of the corresponding author)
e-mial: masahirok nifty.com

Abstract is required for "Article" and "TLMP". The length may range from 100 to 300 words, depending on the suze of the body. In one paragraph. No abstract for "Commentary" and "Book Review".

Keywords: around five phrases.

(Body starts after one line of space)

Reference (After one line of space)
[1] Kamata, M.; Hasegawa, T., Chem. Educ. J., 2001, 1, 397-401.
[2] Do, C. H., "Network of Inter-Asian Chemical Educators, Vol. 1" Publisher, Place of Publication (2009), pp. 10-20.