Chemical Education Journal (CEJ), Vol. 4, No. 1 /Registration No. 4-11/Received February 20, 2000

Improvement of the education technique which raises teaching effectiveness of student practical training in chemical experiment


Tadayosi YOSHIMURA*, Katsumi TAKAYAMA* and Tatsuaki NISHIMIYA**

*Fukui National College of Technology, Department of Chemistry and Biology Engineering, Geshicho, Sabae, Fukui 916-8507, Japan

**Tokyo National College of Technology, Department of Material Science Engineering, Kunugidacho 1220-2, Hachioji, Tokyo 193-8610, Japan


Abstract: Various education improvements were tried to finish education effect of student training in chemical experiment. We developed teaching materials which students could learn on a computer to practice beforehand learning for the experiment. A student studied the subject that received practical training in beforehand learning and experiment independently. He/she practiced oral announcement on the theme in the seminar presentation.
The student experiment that we are in charge of is in the field of physical chemistry. Forty persons (class) are divided into an experiment group by twos. One group chooses 4 themes among each experimental subject and receives practical training. About the subject that isn't learned by lecture, a student received practical training in learning beforehand of CAL (computer-aided learning). The student's independent learning manner was observed via experiment practices, which he/she chose from 20 themes of physical chemistry. Compared with a regular class, autonomy and aggressiveness for chemical experimental operation were observed.
As a result of education practice for 3 years, the student's autonomy by imposing a presentation has been improving. The students individually repeated the experiment, until the experiment description could be understood. By marking evaluation with an oral presentation, his/her degree of understanding by beforehand received almost an "A" rating.

Body of the Paper

CEJv4n1CEJ Vol. 4, No. 1, Contents