Chemical Education Journal (CEJ), Vol. 4, No. 2 /Registration No. 4-17/Received October 11, 2000.

The Effect of the Nucleophile/Electrophile Reaction Guide on the Performance of Undergraduate Organic Chemistry Students

Donna J. Nelson
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK  73019

Keywords:  Organic Chemistry, Chemical Education Research, CER-Student-Centered Learning, Teaching/Learning Aids

 The effect of the use of the Nucleophile / Electrophile Reaction Guide on the test performance of students enrolled in undergraduate Organic Chemistry was determined by a posttest-only control group study.  The subject samples were  enrolled in a first-semester organic chemistry course for science and engineering majors at a comprehensive public university and assigned to a control group and three device groups differing with respect to use of the device.  Results show that the Guide enabled a better student performance (by 10.1% to 20.1% depending upon the method of use of the guide) and that the best method of use is as an out-of-class supplement.


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