Chemical Education Journal (CEJ), Vol. 6, No. 2 /Registration No. 6-11/Received November 9, 2002.


Dr. Nguyen Duc Chuy

Faculty of Chemistry, Hanoi University of Education of Vietnam, Vietnam



This paper deals with an important problem in Vietnam related to the teaching of chemistry. This is the construction of software containing virtual and "hands-on" chemistry experiments, which have been presented as the Web pages on a CD-ROM. The CD- ROM "Virtual experiments and chemistry experiments for 10-th class in upper secondary school", is easy to use, and has many advantages.

After 15 years of renovation, Vietnam continues its development. Nowadays to implement the strategy of the revolution, " industrialization and modernization," Vietnamese Education in general and Chemical Education in particular must be renewed.

One of the important steps for the renewing of teaching and learning is equipment, which for Chemistry means laboratory equipment for chemical experiments.

Vietnam is still a poor country and there are still not enough resources for provision of equipment to lower secondary school and upper secondary school. For that reason, chemistry has involved teaching and learning without chemical experiments in rural secondary schools except some schools in large towns - Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh cities. Besides, Vietnam is a tropical country with a hot and humid climate, it is impossible to preserve chemical substances in the secondary school. There are complicated and toxic chemical experiments, which are impossible to carry out in secondary schools. Furthermore, secondary school teachers do not have enough time to prepare chemical experiment demonstrations. Therefore we must rely on information and communication technology.

First of all we set up a CD-ROM " Virtual Experiments and Chemical Experiments for 10-th class in Vietnam Upper Secondary Schools". Virtual experiments are used to explain abstract concepts about atomic structure, atomic orbitals, chemical bonds, overlapping of atomic orbitals and so on... Movies of chemical experiments are used as source materials to present chemical experiments in the class.

The CD-ROM has been set up in the form of Web pages.
At the left column of the Web page, there are Contents of the CD (see picture 1), and at the right ­ the principal Web page, explains the content of the virtual experiment or describes the procedure to carry out the chemical experiment and a click on " Xem phim " will display the movie animation and narration in the Vietnamese language.


Chapter 1. Atomic Structure

Picture 1.

Chapter 2. The Periodic System of Chemical Elements.

Chapter 3: Chemical bonds

Picture 2. Overlap of orbital s and p

Chapter 4. Principal subgroup 7: Halogen group.

Picture 3

Picture 4

Chapter 5. Principal subgroup 6: Oxygen and sulfur.

Picture 5

Chapter 6. Theory of reaction rate.

The CD-ROM is easy to use and has many advantages as follows:

Hanoi 06-02-2002

TopTopAbstractAbstractCEJv6n2CEJ Vol. 6, No. 2, Contents