The Chemical Education Journal (CEJ), Vol. 8, No. 1 (Serial No. 14). The date of issue: September 30, 2004./Registration No. 8-5/Received March 19, 2004.

Promotion of Experimental Problem-solving Skills based on Unknown Chemicals Exploration Experiment

Citation: Jhy-Ming Horng, Hsiao-Hsin Tsai

Department of Chemistry, National Taiwan Normal University

Address: 88, Sec.4, Ting-chou Road, Taipei 11650, Taiwan, R. O. C.

Keywords: Inquiry-Based/ Discovery Method; Introductory/High School Chemistry; Laboratory Instruction; Problem-based Learning; Qualitative Analysis. 


The qualitative analysis of unknown chemicals is adapted for talented senior high school students in Taiwan. Thirty-two students, grouped in pairs, were asked to design a procedure for the identification of sixteen unknowns. The problem-solving process and strategies devised by the students can be generally divided into three types: working backward, means-ends analysis, and reasoning forward strategy. Successful and unsuccessful performances are related to the procedural and domain-specific knowledge of students. The results indicate that although the strategy of Òworking forwardÓ is more effective, an abundant and well-organized domain-specific knowledge is the key to success. Furthermore, cross-examination is very important in the identification of unknowns; many mistakes can be avoided by checking the prediction with the results. When students attempt to construct a set of efficient, logical thinking strategies, they probably encounter difficulties and become frustrated, which may offer the opportunity to improve their problem-solving skills. In addition, a problem-solving oriented experiment can stimulate students to improve their understanding of chemical concepts and solve problems through the use of procedural and conceptual knowledge. The unknown exploration experiment is a well-designed unit that is intended to assess student performance in terms of experimental problem solving and help them connect conceptual understanding to problem solving in the real world.

Promotion of Experimental Problem-solving Skills based on Unknown Chemicals Exploration Experiment

Jhy-Ming Horng, Hsiao-Hsin Tsai

Department of Chemistry, National Taiwan Normal University

Address: 88,Sec.4, Ting-chou Road, Taipei 11650, Taiwan, R.O.C.


The qualitative analysis of unknown chemicals is a useful exercise that develops senior high school studentsÕ experimental problem-solving skills. Through inquiry-based experiments, students can pursue their interest in chemistry, familiarize themselves with the scientific approach, and enhance their higher-order thinking abilities, such as problem solving and logical reasoning. In traditional teaching methods, laboratory manuals serve as Òhow toÓ recipes for students. However, performing experiments step by step to achieve the correct outcome often leads to the result that students conclude chemistry to be unexciting (1). The major reason for this arises from the fact that traditional teaching methods are only focused on obtaining so-called good experimental results, while a true understanding of chemistry is often largely ignored. In order to help students develop understanding of chemistry, we provided students with opportunities to conduct inquiry-based experiments. These learning experiences can help them to develop efficient and effective problem-solving skills as well as strategies that generally lead to successful solutions to real problems. To assist students in obtaining these skills and strategies, it would be desirable to design effective instructional materials in teaching (2).

The unit on the qualitative analysis of unknown chemicals is one of the major topics in high school chemistry for grades 10 and 11 in Taiwan. An analysis scheme for the identification of unknown white solids has been described in The Journal of Chemical Education (1-2). The unknown chemicals exploration experiment can be adapted to different levels of instruction. All procedures can be done with micro scale equipment. The case shown here involves 32 grade 10, talented senior high school students, grouped in pairs, who were asked to design a qualitative analysis process for sixteen unknowns as an end-of-year project. In this paper, a problem-solving approach for the identification of sixteen solids is proposed, and the strategies used by the students are also discussed. Well-designed to assess students' experimental abilities and help them connect conceptual understanding to real problem solving, this exploration experiment has successfully served this purpose. All 32 students involved consistently considered this experiment the most challenging and their favorite.

The Expected Problem ÐSolving Strategies and Skills Used by Students

A strategy defined by Gagné (3) is a goal-directed sequence of mental operations. General problem-solving strategies are activities that can improve the search for a solution across a wide variety of problems. According to research on problem solving, three expected strategies are Òworking backwardÓ,  Òmeans-ends analysisÓ and Òreasoning forwardÓ.

Working backward

One way to limit the search for a solution is to Òwork backwardÓ from the desired goal. The key to working backward is to decompose the initial goal into a set of subgoals that imply the solution of the original goal. Reasoning backward involves setting goals and subgoals and keeping track of them. The problem solver can then focus on solving each of the subgoals independently (4). A powerful form of working backward is referred to as means-ends analysis (3).

Means-ends analysis
The crucial step in means-ends analysis is selecting an operation that reduces the functional difference between the current situation and the goal (3). If one does not possess knowledge of such operations, one cannot use the means-ends strategy. The success of means-ends analysis depends on the quality of one's declarative knowledge. If students' declarative knowledge of functional operations in the chemistry domain is deficient, they will have difficulty performing means-ends analysis.

Working forward
Another way to limit a search is referred to as "working forward", which involves performing whatever actions occur to one in response to a given problem (3). Working forward is much simpler than means-ends analysis. One examines the current situation and performs operations to change it. The operations one selects are not constrained by the goal as they are in means-ends analysis; therefore they may sometimes lead one in fruitless directions. Working forward eliminates the need of keeping track of subgoals. However, to successfully reason forward, one must know which of the many possible forward inferences are relevant to the final solution.
Working forward functions when the operations suggested by the current situation are the ones that lead to the goal. If the current situation suggests misleading operations, working forward will not lead to the goal. Means-ends analysis, therefore, is more powerful, because it selects only goal-relevant operations.
The strategies used by expert and novice problem solvers differ (5). Novices used the means-ends analysis. They worked backward from the subgoals. Experts, in contrast, worked forward by well-organized domain-specific knowledge. The strategy of the novice is called data-driven or search-driven, but the expert's is schema-driven (6).

Problem-solving skills
Lyle and Robinson (7) suggested that problem-solving skills include obvious elements such as the ability to read, to perform experimental manipulations, to check results, to check that no information is overlooked, and to check that the problem actually presented was, in fact, solved. Other elements involve interpreting, representing, analyzing, planning, execution, and evaluation.  To succeed in identifying all compounds in the unknown exploration experiment, students must plan a set of efficient, logical thinking strategies. In addition, students must examine their strategy repeatedly and adjust it as needed. This represents a challenging task and requires the ability to keep track of all the useful information as well as an adequate combination of skills and strategies.


The sample consists of 32 grade 10, mathematics and science talented students in a senior high school. The school is a first-rate one in Taiwan. All 32 students have taken introductory chemistry in the first semester and chemistry topic research as elective in the second semester of the freshman year. We perform this experiment as an end-of-year project without informing students first in the course of chemistry topic research.  Thirty-two students, grouped in pairs, were asked to design a procedure for the identification of sixteen unknowns in three hours.

The Experiment
Apparatus and Materials
battery, copper wires, lamp, litmus paper, aluminum plate, copper plate, zinc plate
Given: 0.01 M AgNO3(aq) , 0.1 M HCl (aq) , 0.1 M HNO3(aq), 0.1 M H2SO4(aq) , 0.1 M NaOH(aq) ,
Unknown: BaCl2, Ba(NO3)2, Ba(OH)2, CaCO3, CaSO4, Flour, KI, NaCl, Na2CO3, NaNO3, NaOH, Na2SO4,
           Na2S2O3 , Pb(NO3)2, Sugar, ZnSO4


StudentsÕ guide

You can use the materials and chemicals provided to identify the unknown chemicals, No.1 to No.16. Present your approach and describe all the reactions you have observed. Your report should indicate what reagents you used, your observations and conclusions, and equations for the reactions.

Hint: You can use the table of solubility rules for ionic compounds in water.


Results and Discussion

The result of experimental assessment is shown in Table 1. Table 1 shows that four groups, G2, G5, G7 and G9, can identify over 14 unknown chemicals. We classify them into high-level problem-solving ability cluster.  Eleven groups, G3, G4, G6, G8, G9, G110, G12, G13, G14, G15 and G16, can identify 8 to 13 unknowns. We classify them into medium-level cluster. As for G1, we classify them into low-level cluster because they can only identify four unknowns.

Table 1. The experimental assessment of 16 groups

To identify the sixteen unknowns, students must establish a set of problem-solving strategies based on chemical concepts and logical reasoning. Analyzing the reports and interview protocols of students, the problem-solving procedures can be generally divided into three types: Òworking backwardÓ, Òmeans-ends analysisÓ, and Òreasoning forwardÓ. We categorize the 16 groups into suitable types according to their characteristics. We discover an interesting phenomenon, that high-level cluster adapts type III-reasoning forward, and that medium-level cluster adapts type II- means-ends analysis. The strategy used by the low-level cluster is working backward. Below, we discuss each type with a representative group.

Type I-Òworking backwardÓ strategy
From our viewpoint, the strategy of the lower-level cluster is classified into type I. The only group categorized in this cluster is G1. The process used by G1 is shown without change as follows.

1.      Observe the appearances of unknowns.

2.      Test the unknowns' room-temperature solubility in water.

3.      Use litmus paper to determine whether the soluble unknowns are acidic or basic.

4.      Add the given solutions, AgNO3(aq), HCl(aq), H2SO4(aq), NaOH(aq) individually to all the unknowns.

5.      The result is listed in Table 2.

Table 2.  The original record of G1

Note: The symbol ÒxÓ means no visible reaction or unfinished test.

Working backward aims at decomposing the initial goal into several goals. G1 divides the problem, identifying 16 unknowns, into three goals, which are (1) testing the solubility in water of unknowns, (2) testing the pH range of unknowns and (3) testing the reactivity of unknowns with specific reagents. Then G1 divides the third goal into four subgoals, which are testing the reactions of unknowns with given reagents:  AgNO3(aq), HCl(aq), H2SO4(aq), NaOH(aq .
The method used by G1 is similar to the  Òsearch-drivenÓ or Òdata-drivenÓ strategy, which works backward from the goal. Students generate a pathway to the solution and test to see whether it can work. This method has two major drawbacks as an approach to the problem. First, it does not provide criteria for selecting appropriate solutions to be tested. Selecting reasonable solutions is critical so as not to waste time in testing trials that work without achieving a positive result. Second, this method involves generating every possible trial before testing it to see whether it works. This process not only wastes time but can also be inconclusive.

In this case, students have no idea how to perform the experiment. They simply mix chemicals and decide what to do next, based on the results. In order to identify 16 unknowns by this way, one must operate 96 trials to complete Table 2 and explain the results correctly. G1 tries to identify the 16 unknowns by analyzing the 96 testing results in Table 2. However, Table 2 is too complicated to analyze such that students cannot conclude the following carefully. This puts a severe strain on the working memory and can lead to errors. Thus, they cannot set subgoals anymore. In addition, there are some mistakes in Table 2, as the result, perhaps, of the careless mixing of unknowns or recording errors.

The reason why G1 failed is that they cannot set further subgoals according to the differences between the current states and the goal. Besides, owing to a lack of abundant chemical domain-specific and procedural knowledge, they failed to identify the physical and chemical properties of the unknowns and neglected the importance of cross-examination. Their knowledge base is inadequate and incomplete; consequently, they are unable to plan a systematic solving process and explain the experimental results in a meaningful way.

Type II  - Òmeans-ends analysisÓ strategy
G3, G4, G6, G8, G10, G11, G13, G14, G15 and G16 are classified into this type. We take G10Õs problem-solving process as an example to discuss. The solving process of G10 is described as follows.

1.      Identify the compound that is moistened in the air as NaOH, based on the appearance of the unknowns.

2.      Test the unknowns' room-temperature solubility in water to identify which sample is flour.

3.      Add 0.1 M H2SO4(aq) to each of the other 14 unknowns to identify Ba2+ compounds (BaCl2, Ba(NO3)2, Ba(OH)2) if white precipitate formed.

4.      Add 0.1 M HCl(aq) to each of the other 11 unknowns to check whether any gas is formed, then we can identify CaCO3 and Na2CO3. The two compounds differ in their solubility in water.

5.      Add 0.01 M AgNO3(aq) to each of the other 9 unknowns to identify KI by the yellow precipitate.

6.      Add the found KI(aq) to each of the other 8 unknowns to identify Pb(NO3)2 by the yellow precipitate.

Treat the other 7 unknowns as described in the following flow chart.


Figure 1. The qualitative analysis scheme of G10


The strategy of G10 is similar to a Òmeans-ends analysisÓ. Means-end analysis is a heuristic strategy for finding subgoals. The process of analysis consists of two steps that are applied repeatedly: (1) identifying the differences between the current state and the desired goal, and (2) applying an operation to reduce one of these differences. The strategy of G10 is to reduce the numbers of the unknowns gradually. Their first goal is to find out NaOH, by means of observing the appearance of 16 unknowns. Next, they try to find out flour by observing the solutions of the other 15 unknowns. Finally, they try to find the unknowns with Ba2+ by mixing the other 14 unknowns with H2SO4(aq). They make use of all given reagents one by one to react with unknowns. Each operation can identify some unknowns and reduce the number of unknowns little by little. 
In addition to the Òmeans-endsÓ strategy, G10 attempts to reason with chemical concepts. Step 1 to 6 in G10Õs solving process indicates that the chemical reasoning is logical and correct. However, the three Ba2+ compounds were not distinguished in step 3. Additionally, mistakes made in the final step reveal that G10 did not make use of their knowledge relative to the chemical as well as the physical properties of the unknowns, and failed to judge the pH and solubility of chemicals. The result indicates that although the strategy of Òmeans-end analysisÓ is useful, abundant and well-organized domain-specific knowledge is the key to success. Besides, the cross-examination is very important in the identification of unknowns; many mistakes can be avoided by checking the prediction from the results.

Type III- Òreasoning forwardÓ strategy
G2, G5, G7and G9 are classified into this type. We take G2Õs problem-solving process as an example to discuss. The solving process of G2 is summarized as follows.

1. The process for identification is shown in the form of a flow chart in Figure 2.

2. We can experimentally determine whether a substance forms an electrolyte solution by testing the ability of the solution to conduct an electrical current. A DC circuit device using the battery, copper wires, copper plates as electrodes, and a lamp, can be set up to test whether or not ions are present in the unknown solutions, provided that the solutions are not too dilute. If ions are present, the solution completes the electrical circuit, and the lamp glows.

Analyzing the solving strategy of G2, undoubtedly, they displayed an effective and efficient solving process. The unknowns are initially divided into two groups based on their solubility in water. Among the 16 solids, 12 are water-soluble and four are less soluble. The criteria of categorization include solubility, a pH test, electrolyte/non-electrolyte and reactions with specific reagents. This represents a successful case in Òreasoning forwardÓ strategy. The students had a greater grasp of the concepts and were able to systematically organize their chemical knowledge. Therefore, G2 can focus on how to solve and construct a logical as well as an efficient plan of problem solving instead of operating by trial and error. In addition, they continue to search for useful resources and make use of the knowledge gained from the experimental process. This problem-solving approach is similar to the expert's performance.

The novice solution typifies the method of working backward, similar to the performance of G1. Novices start out by working backward and slowly develop strategies that make forward inferences. Experts and novices typically apply chemical principles in precisely the opposite order. The differences between G1 and G2 are identical to those between experts and novices. There are also changes at the strategic level, which is concerned with how students organize their solution to an overall problem. The procedure of learning how to organize one's problem solving is referred to as strategic learning.

Conclusions and Recommendations
Considering the above discussion and comments o
n three types of strategies, the results indicate that successful and unsuccessful performances are related to the procedural and domain-specific knowledge of students. Although the strategy of Òworking forwardÓ is more effective, an abundant and well-organized domain-specific knowledge is the key to success. Furthermore, cross-examination is very important in the identification of unknowns; many mistakes can be avoided by checking the prediction with the results.


We suggest that chemistry teachers should start with 5 or 6 unknowns then raise difficulty by adding additional unknowns and choose the harmless ones in our daily life or those used quite often in laboratory. The identification process could vary from simple to complex as the number of unknownsÕ increases. The collection of unknowns should exhibit the comparative meaning of chemical properties, for example, compounds with the same cations or anions.

A typical concern of educators is whether what is taught in the classroom can be applied in the real world. The inquiry experiment of unknown chemicals is a well-designed unit used to assist an instructor in assessing student performance in terms of experimental problem solving. When students attempt to construct their scheme of analysis, they will likely encounter difficulties and frustrations, which may offer opportunities to demonstrate needed skills and abilities through the use of chemical concepts. The problem-solving oriented experiment can motivate studentsÕ thinking and help them learn how to construct their framework of chemical concepts and to solve the real problems in laboratory by using procedural and conceptual knowledge. In this way, students can develop effective problem-solving methods and will have more confidence in their ability to solve problems. 


Figure 2. The qualitative analysis scheme of G2 (provided by G2)

    Figure 2. The qualitative analysis scheme of G2 (continued)


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