ISSN 1344-7963

「化学教育ジャーナル (CEJ)」第9巻第2号(通巻17号) 発行2007年 1月30日


目   次

  1. [Foreword] Summary of Challenges of Teaching Chemistry in the Twenty-First Century by Hyun-Ju Park (Chosun University, South Korea)
  2. [Graphic Page] Photoes for the 11th ACC Symposium on CHemical Education

特集:Special Issue featuring the 11th ACC Symposium "Challenges of Teaching Chemistry in 21st Century"

  1. [Review] Chemical Education at the 11th Asian Chemical Congress by Jerence Nansel Oleap Fernando (The Open University of Sri Lanka, Sri Lanka)
  2. [Teaching and Learning] Is it molecules? Again! A review of students' learning about particle theory by Helen Meyer (University of Cincinnati, U. S. A.)
  3. [Textbook Inscriptions] The various functions of inscriptions in Korean textbooks by JaeYoung Han (Chungbuk National University, South Korea)
  4. [Teaching and Learnig] A case study about teacher's pedagogical content knowledge influencing in students' mental models in acids and bases by Jing-Wen Lin and Mei-Hung Chiu (National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, Taiwan)


  1. [Teaching Materials] Less is more! In Teaching Chemistry, All You Need is One Drop! by Muhamad Hugerat (The Academic Arab College for Education in Israel - Haifa, Islael)
  2. [Teaching Materials on the Web] Automatic Services of Calculating Data and for the Preparation of Solutions by Using Internet - Nitric Acid Aqueous Solution and Sulfuric Acid Aqueous Solution - by Minoru Ashida*, Makoto Shishido, Nobutaka Okajima, Elizabeth S. Escano and Takahiro Abe (Saitama University, Japan)
  3. [Teaching-Learning Method] The value of drama and game modeling in science teaching: A new approach for learning chemical bond (ionic and covalent bond) concept with an atom model using dramatization by Mustafa Ozden (Adiyaman University, Turkey)
  4. [Laboratoty Teaching-Learning] Low Resolution Raman Spectroscopy in an Undergraduate Analytical Chemistry Laboratory by Alexander Y. Nazarenko (State University of New York, Buffalo, U. S. A.)
  5. 化学教育[報文] 変質した塩化鉄(II)の再生方法について − 100%成功する塩化鉄(II)の電気分解 − 池田耕三a,吉田安規良b,*a大分県立日田林工高等学校,b琉球大学教育学部理科教育講座)




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